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About me

Hy. My name is Luiza Elisabeta Olenici - Rainbow Angels.


The name Rainbow Angels was inspired by the angels and for me has a lot of meanings. From my point of view, the world that the love and wisdom of God and the angels are offering is a world full of colours and a world that brings happiness, hope, forgiveness, love and compassion in every human being and also in me.


From childhood, I had a special bond with God and the angels and they helped me to get through my rough childhood and be alive untill now. Their advices helped me to untangle many situations that were very difficult for me and I really thank them for this.


​Since I was a child, I was aware of other realms, of the etheric plans, I was a clairvoyant and also I could feel the angels’presence, feel the energies or even heard the angel's guidance. After some time that I was told that all that I see is an imaginary world, as an adult, I had chosen not to see them and it was a very painfull time for me, as I felt so disconnected and with no purpose, no sense in living. Thanks to God, this period of time was not very long, but still long enough for my soul, so that, after I understand that all that time I was hiding from myself and that this is the real me, I begun my spiritual seeking and spiritual transformation.


The first book that I was drawned after my “awakening call” was “Healing with the angels” by Doreen Virtue and that book actually changed my life, as I discovered how much I really missed the angels and their presence in my life. After that, I was atracted in studying the energies, so that I took a lot of courses, such as Radiestesy, Reiki (Ushui, Karuna, Shamballa and Melchisedec), The Journey practicioners course, a counseling course,Archangel's rays course, Theraphy through colours, Certified Angel card readers course and so on.


​I am now a certified angel&oracle card reader, by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. I also have certificates in personal development counseling and Reiki.


​I put the basis of the Holistic Counseling and Complementary Therapies Association IRIDIS, a humanitary foundation which provides holistic counseling and complementary therapies to those in need who cannot afford to pay for them, especially poor families, ill children and their families. Also, a part of the payments from the readings goes there so thank you for your purchase.


​I always knew that God has a plan for me and I think that readings are a big part of it. I always had the feeling that He wants me to help people to believe, not only in the seen reality, but, most of it, to the unseen beneficial forces that are around them.  I believe in them with all my heart and I recognise their presence and their help in my life, so that I'm absolutely sure of their existance. I think that this is the reason that He had chosen me to do this.


​I am not more special than you are, every human being has his/her own's gifts from God, only that many people are not aware of them. I think that we are all created from the divine love, compassion, kindness and wisdom and that, in the wright moment, we can all be healers for others. As I already said, I am not more special than you are, because my gifts, as yours, came from God and they are not mine, are His, He only "borowed" some of the gifts to me. I am only the channel through His wisdom, advice and love comes through you, and I really thank Him for it’s a real honour for me to do it.


I dedicate all the results that I got, get and will get ​to God, Jesus, Mother Mary and Holy Spirit, my advicers, my protectors, my beloved guides and all that I do and will do, it’s for their glory! Amen!


May God’s blessings be upon you!

What is a reading and whom do I work with?

For the ones that don't know much about an angel reading, I will explain what exactly means this.


First of all, let me tell you about my helpers, my protectors, my spiritual guides and messangers.


As I prepare to do the readings, I call upon our divine father, God, The Holy Spirit and also my beloved friend, Jesus and His Divine mother, Mary to assist me in the reading and to make sure that only the divine love, guidance and wisdom comes through.


Also, as  feel guided, I call upon Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Raziel, Archangel Metatron or other archangels that I feel guided to call. Of course, my guardian angels are always there for me and, during a reading, the client’s guardian angels appears, in order to provide their messages.


After you send me the question or the situation that you need guidance for, I call upon my helpers, described above :))), then I choose the deck of cards that I am guided to choose. As I ask your question or concern/situation, I shuffle the cards, back sided, so that I cannot see the cards and ask God to point exactly the cards answering to your question. The cards rise upon the others or even pump out of the deck. After that, I reveal the cards , one after another and then I'm telling you the messages for every card, transmitted by the angels, just for you.


It's a very special status that I feel during a reading and, although the cards are the same, there are not two readings alike. I gratefully thank God and all of His light beings and entities which make this possible, in a way that brings blessings for everyone involved!


I want to remind you that a part of the payments from the readings goes to the foundation that I 've put the basis of,  so thank you for your purchase.


Thank you all for allowing me to do the readings for you! It’s a real priviledge for me to send you the God’s  messages!


May God’s blessings be upon you!

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